Senin, 28 Desember 2015

How to Make Natural Body Lotion (LULUR)

Everybody wants to have a fair and glow skin, it will be found out by use of natural body lotion that simple to make in your home. Body lotion from the natural material is easy to make, and the natural material isn’t difficult to find. This natural body lotion is conducing to whiten, dulcify and brighten your skin.

  1. One of Yam bean. Yam bean is useful to whiten the skin, brighten, freshen and wash out of dark spots.
  2. 1 tablespoon of Milk powder. Milk is not only useful to your body but also for your skin. Milk is useful to brighten, dampen, and regeneration your skin.
  3. Distillation of Lemon. Lemon is useful to brighten your skin and wash out of acne
  4. 1 tablespoon of Olive oil. Olive oil is useful to tighten and brighten your skin
  1. Wash and strip one of yam bean in medium size, then rasp it.
  2. Press the result of scraping, then input to the transparent bowl. Hush it until 10 minutes
  3. Take yam bean essence that precipitates in the bowl and throw away the water above it.
  4. Mix the yam bean essence with 1 tablespoon of milk powder, distillation of lemon and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  5. Dab the result to your body
  6. massage your body slow and smooth
  7. Hush it until 15-20 minutes before clean out your body.
Use this natural body lotion twice a week. Your skin will be fair, clean, and bright. Besides using this natural body lotion, you have to keep the healthy life style, consume fruit and vegetable, and also exercise a lot of sport.

Was that a Ghost?

I would like to share with you about my past experience. It's a horror story, you know. Did you know? I never believe there are ghost beside us until I feel it by myself. We must know that there are other creatures that are invisible around us, and we must trust about it.
A few years ago, I wasn’t certain what the time is. But it was happened in 2012, when I was junior high school. I just remember it was consisted on Friday. Terrify Friday I call it. I woke up at 3 o'clock because I had to do my homework for today. I really regret because I didn't do it before. When I did my homework I felt difficult because I didn't have a material book. I asked my friends to lend me her book before the lesson started. She said that she would come to school at 6 o'clock.
 I really had to do this homework because the teacher of this lesson was very killer, I thought. I couldn’t follow the lesson if I didn't do my homework. I went to school very earlier. It was about 5 o'clock and arrived at 5.20 a.m. I came very early because I didn't want my friend waited for me if I didn't arrive before her.
I walked ploddingly from the school gate to my class. I looked around. It was very quiet and no one I met. I just walked alone. I was not the coward people. So the situations like this was not scared me. I thought I would wait her with sitting in my class while I read novels. But when I was near my class, I stopped my stride because I heard a voice. I mean I heard someone breathed. I felt shocked at that time. Who was she? Was she my classmate? No, I thought it was impossible.
I looked at my clock. It was 5.25 a.m. who was someone had come at the time very earlier like this? I felt shocked. So I walked ploddingly to enter. When I opened the door, I was looking around. There were no people in the class. To be sure who was breath, I bent down my body to the under of table and chairs but I saw nothing when I stood up, I heard a voice of breath again. I was really shocked to hear that. I was directly racing off as I could to out avoid the class, and then I collided with my friend in the gate.

            I almost fainted at that time. I just told my friend about what happened to me I told her that I heard a mysterious breath, she just said that maybe is that a ghost. I don’t know what that was. I just shocked at that time.

Ice Cubes for your Skin

Ice cubes is a decrease of ice (Frozen water) which have a shape box and small. The freezing happen if water has freeze under 0 oC (273.15K, 32 oF) squeeze in standard atmosphere. Ice can be shaped in the more high temperature with more squeeze and water still have as a liquid or gas until -30oC in the low squeeze.
Ice cubes have much of benefits as make up rescue, ice gives your skin a fresh dewy feel that would make your skin look radiant even without any make up on, get rid of tan, ice provide a very cool feeling when applied on skin. Painless plucking, rubbing an ice cube across the eyebrow line makes the region temporarily numb, thus reducing the agony of plucking. Eyebrows as it help in preventing redness.
Using Ice cubes to skin or face can take care of acne, chew gum remover, smooth skin, smooth eyes, dark circle, and pimple cure. The ice cube therapy can help minimize pores and control the oil production. It also can prevent premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Regular use of ice cubes will give your face fresh and healthy glow. So, you will look gorgeous, even with no make up on.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

How to Make Candlenut Oil Healthy For Your Hair


Candlenut oil made from raw material, roasted Candlenut fruit mixed with coconut oil, this material can provide several benefits for healthy hair like black hair and nourish hair

  • Some candlenut
  • Coconut oil
  • Water

  • Pan
  • Filter
  • Blender

  • First, put candlenut into a pan and roast until it turn into black.
  • Second, put pieces of roasted candlenut with water inside the blender, and blend it until smooth.
  • Third, filter the oil from candlenut that you’ve blended.
  • Also, If you want to get maximum results can add a little coconut oil.                                                                                                          

My First Experience to Ride Motorcycle

         One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me to ride it  
Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.

He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle. 
One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So, I tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my home and I passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.
After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle. 

Smart Health Clinic

Smart Health Clinic
There is a big medical clinic in my town. It is Smart Health Clinic. The medical clinic was located in Tanjungpandan Belitung. To get there around 3 km from my home by motorcycle or car. The clinic has two floors and it’s clean. The walls are white. There is a nice garden at the front. There grow roses and sun flowers. The clinic also provides a large parking area.
The clinic is very busy. People with various diseases come to the clinic to have medical services. Some people get headaches, sore eyes, backaches, fever, etc. There are some specialists working for the clinic. They are dentist, surgeons, internists, etc. some nurses help them to look after the patients. The doctors and nurses are kind. They are helpful and friendly. The people feel satisfied because the doctors examine them carefully. The purpose medical clinic gives comfortable to others people and everyday many consultation to know of the body health by doctors or nurses.
            Smart Health Clinic is equipped with many facilities like comfortable patient rooms, maternity wards, an emergency room, a laboratory, and an-X ray room,
the benefits of medical clinic give free medical service every week. There are also dispensaries where we get medicines and there is a canteen. The canteen has two floors on the first floor, there sell many things to eat and drinks such as health food to family patients and they also can take a rest. The smart health clinic also has a mosque to everyone have Muslim to prayer, inside the mosque has a place for wudhu and toilets for woman and man. The toilets are clean and sterile which make the medical clinic is famous in my town.



Yoga is a sport that combines the movement of body that requires concentration, composure, and relaxed body to maintain a perfect calm state. The movements of yoga involve meditation, imagery, breath work and music. Yoga also involves stretches, and focusing strength especially when we lift our body. Yoga is often used for therapy purposes because of the amazing benefits like reducing pain, relaxing muscle, and brings a gentle healing to our immune system.
It is believed that yoga was originally has root in India, around 2,000 BC. Yoga came to the attention of western audience in the middle of 19th century along with other topics of Hindu philosophy. The first teacher who teaches the aspects of yoga into a western audience was Swami Vivekananda from Hindu.
There are a lot of benefits by practicing yoga as daily routine. There are physical benefits, and mental benefits.
The physical benefits of doing yoga are that we can feel the difference in our body; we can feel every cell is filled with more “prana” or energy. This result in joy, peace and enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases. There is also studies, proves that yoga also produce many health benefits, such as lowers high blood pressure, and lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks, decreasing any tension-related pain such as; tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems. Yoga also increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior, including improves the immune system, and increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy.
The mental benefits of doing yoga, one of them is proven that yoga brings gentle healing. Such as refreshing our mind, decreasing our anxiety, stabilizing our emotion, increasing our creativity, relaxing our mind, feeling peaceful, and sharpening our mind by gaining more focus in our activities.
There are also other benefits of yoga in beauty case, such as burn fat, lose weight, tighten our muscle, smoothen, improve skins health, and many more.
In general, there are 8 major styles of doing yoga. There are Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Hatha, Hot Yoga, Iyengar, Restorative, and Vinyasa. Anusara seeks to use a physical practice, to help people open their hearts, experience grace, and let their inner goodness shine through. Ashtanga is based on ancient yoga teachings, which links every movement to a breath, and performed in the exact same poses in an order. Bikram yoga involves a lot of poses that is done inside a heated room, that resulting a lot of sweats. Hatha is a generic term of yoga that refers to any type of yoga, which teaches physical postures. Hot yoga is basically the same thing as Bikram, but hot yoga’s movement is not in order. Iyengar is a very meticulous style of yoga, with utmost attention paid to finding the proper alignment in a pose, Iyengar provides a wide array of yoga props such as blocks, blankets, straps, chairs, bolsters, and a rope wall are all common. Restorative yoga is a perfect way to relax and soothe frayed nerves, Restorative yoga uses bolsters, blankets, and blocks to prop in passive poses so that the body can experience the benefits of a pose without having to exert any effort. The last one, Vinyasa is a yoga that is known for their fluid, movement-intensive practices, Vinyasa teachers choreograph their classes to smooth the transition from pose to pose, and often play music to keep things lively.

Adapted from:
Hanley, Kate. (2008). A Beginner's Guide to 8 Major Styles of Yoga. Accessed from:
Wikipedia, Yoga as exercise or alternative medicine. Accessed from:
Anonymous, Benefits of Yoga. Accessed from:

How to Stay Healthy in Your Life

It’s not difficult to stay healthy. There are various activities we can easily and cheaply do to become a healthy person. Laziness is the main obstacle in having a healthy life. That is why we have to change our lifestyle to a healthy way of life. The methods bellow can help you to know better about the best condition for your health.

  • Exercise for 15 Minutes
Spend 15 minutes each day to exercise. It is necessary to keep our heart healthy and decrease the fat accumulation around it. Only for 15 minutes, you can do exercise for fun and almost costless. For example, you can imitate the movement of popular dance style to make your body moving actively.
  •   Nutrition fitting
No matter what kind of program of food you have, make sure you take nutritious food accordingly. For those who don’t like vegetables, you can make a new recipe with vegetable as the ingredient. For example you can make keripik bayem, vegetable popsicles, etc. You can also juice some vegetables and add some other ingredients you like like; chocolate or milk. Eating vegetables is not only good for your health but also good to shape your body.
  • Drink enough water
Drink before we thirst. Mineral water is very easy to find available anywhere. Water hold an important role in neutralizes the toxins inside our body. We need water to accumulate the body so we can have a healthy kidney. Healthy kidneys requires adequate fluid intake.
  • Get enough sleep
1/3 time in human’s life is spent for sleeping. 1/3 the day we spent sleeping, contributes directly to the key of happiness and maintains your stamina in your daily activities. The duration of sleep will be different for each age.
  • Keep your prayer
Full body health will exist only with a healthy soul. One of the best medicines for our mental health is prayer. Religion is very important in our life, because in fact there were very many advantages by doing prayers. For example when you take wudhu, the water can clean the dirt on the pores of your skin. 5 times a day will keep you skin very healthy and brighter

My Trip to Bali

My Trip to Bali

When I was little, I love to travel around Indonesia together with my grandmother. We’ve been in various towns together. We’ve been to Bali, Palembang, Lampung, Lembang, Puncak, Wonogiri, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Bogor, Solo and many more. And this time, one of the greatest experiences I've had that I'm going to tell you is; my trip to Bali. Different from most people who took an airplane to get there, because we went to Bali with a bus! On the way, we saw a lot of unexpected things in Bali, including traffic accidents and beautiful views of nature. We saw amazing landscapes of the beautiful ocean, astonishing sunset and saw a lot of foreigners there. It was a very unforgettable moment for me.
My grandmother has worked in GSM as known as Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral, which gave her access to go anywhere in Indonesia. This is why she often took me along with her to her various trips in Indonesia. And this is our trip together to Bali.
If I remember correctly, it took place when I was on a holiday of my graduation from Elementary School. I was about 12 years old at the time. I went to Bali with my grandmother, together with my auntie and her daughter along with my 9 years old niece. At first my grandmother decided to take us there by using a plane, but then one of her friend offered a cheap trip using a pariwisata bus. It was offered by her good friend and since there were a lot of my grandmother's friends who were going with the same bus trip. She couldn't refuse the offer. So, we decided to go to Bali using a bus.
We were told to gather in a huge open-field, at a very early morning: 5am. There were 3 buses including the one we were going to ride. I was a little surprised because there were so many people gathered around, but what I was surprised the most is the amount of friends my grandmother had. It was like 60-70% of the people gathered here, was her friend. I was very sleepy that time, but the excitement erased all of it. After everyone gathered, our names were called one by one for the attended list. After that we set off from the open-field at 7 o'clock.
In the trip my auntie was sulking, because she thought that using airplane would be much more comfortable. She kept on mumbling about the bus and about the time we were going to spend inside the bus. I wasn't very surprised that time because I've never been to Bali before, so I thought the trip wouldn't be so long. But I thought I was wrong. I thought the trip may took approximately about 6-8 hours, just like when we went to Pangandaran from Jakarta, but after 6 hours we weren't even there yet.
I didn't remember much about the places we visited in the way to Bali. What I remembered was that we stayed in various towns for a moment and bought a lot of snacks to spend in the bus. We also stopped a lot because we have to take prayers and needed to go to the toilet. It was causing the trip a little lag, but I thought it was fun to take a long trip, inside a bus.
We spent a night on a motel in a town, I've forgotten the name of the town but it was pretty creepy as I remember. The motel was looking great at the first corridor and the furniture looked pretty nice too. But it was all changed after I found out that our room was located on the 2nd floor on the rear side of the building, which was near huge and bushy trees. I was creeped a lot and I wanted to change rooms, but unfortunately we have run out of rooms that time. We arrived pretty late at that time, maybe it was around twilight. So I thought that as a very creepy moment of my first trip to Bali.
Inside the room there were two beds; one is for my grandmother and my auntie, the other one is for me and my nieces. The three of us was sleeping in the same bed, so it was pretty crumpled. But I was happy because the weather was pretty cold and because we stayed in the same bed, we didn't feel so cold as before. But it was a little annoying in the morning because my 9 years old niece wetted the bed, maybe it was because of the cold weather. But fortunately I didn't get wet, but unfortunately my blanked was wet and stinks all over so we got to wash it.
After that we set of from the motel and went inside the bus to continue our trip. Once again the tiring long trip was going to begin. After taking about 3 hours we arrived in a harbor. Again, I've forgotten the name of the harbor and where it was located. But it was very exciting to see the view of the blue ocean. There were a lot of children gathered in the ocean; they were waving their hands as we entered the ship. As I remember, the ship was red colored and was pretty big. I was a little scared because I afraid that they could get crushed if they stay too near to our ship. But my grandmother said that they were used to it and that they were actually waiting for us to throw coins at them. Then they would catch the coins we threw or dive to catch the drowning coins.
After we went inside the ship, I rushed toward the balcony to see the view of the coin catcher children. I asked my grandmother for some coins to throw to them. And what my grandmother said earlier was right; the coin catcher children were professionals at swimming. The sea was actually very deep and I was really amazed by their agility.
After taking about 4 hours, we arrived at the other harbor. I was really excited because it would take only a little more trip to reach Bali. And finally we arrived at the gate of Bali, and finally we were in Bali. I was very excited and I was really looking forward toward this tour. But then…“Bam!” Suddenly we saw a huge truck carrying a couple of cows, crashed into a small street shop. There were some of the cows fell down the truck and were walking panicky around the street. One was running away, two were walking staggering. 
I was shocked because we have just arrived in Bali and then suddenly we were faced with seeing an accident. After that we continued our trip with sorry feeling, I hope that the people inside the shop were somehow okay. We were relieved for some time but shockingly after that we saw another accident again. A motorbike crashed into a car, a woman riding it was bleeding on her head and then brought to a hospital.
Aside from the heart-throbbing accidents we saw. Finally, we could enjoy our vacation in Bali. There were a lot of foreigners there, maybe from all over the world. The Balinese society was very friendly and open-minded, they smile to everyone they met. I saw a lot of ‘sesajen’ on the side of the road and the trees along the street were all covered by some kind of checkered pattern sarong. It was their ancient tradition and was still lasts until this time. I was amazed. It was very interesting to watch their activity of rites along the street.
After that we arrived at our hotel, this time the hotel was very beautiful. We have a swimming pool, garden, cafeteria, a huge TV and of course a comfortable room. On our first day, we visited Kuta Beach and visited a holy shrine in Bali. I didn’t remember much about the things we did there. But I remember clearly about the awesome amazed feeling we’ve felt. In the morning we went to visit a huge amusement place in Bali, I forgot the name but inside we saw a huge fish pond contained of Holy Fishes and some small fishes used to clean the moss and for therapy. I put my feet inside the pond and I felt the fish eating the dead skins of my feet, it was really ticklish. In the evening we went to the beach and splashing the water to my nieces. I saw a really nice view there it was very satisfying to see the sunset. The chilling breeze of the sea, the silhouettes of people walking, the mixed color of the sun’s reflection on the sea, just like fire auroras of the sea. All the time we spent on the bus paid off by the beauty of the landscapes. This was where my first day in Bali ended.
On the second day, we decided to go to GWK or as known as Garuda Wisnu Kencana. In there, we saw three huge statues of Garuda, The God Wisnu and Ganesha if I remember correctly. It was amazing how big the statues could be. There was a new huge statue being built at the time we visited them, I wonder if they have been finished by now.
And on the third way, we went back home. But before we went back to Jakarta, we visited Mount Bromo to see a sunrise. I remembered that was the most freezing weather I’ve felt in my life perhaps the temperature was about 3 Celsius degree. But the sunrise view was very beautiful that the chill was gone.

I have a great unforgettable vacation and I could still remember the moment I felt that time, clearly. I was really happy, because I was able to spend my time with my grandmother, my auntie and my nieces. I hope I can go to Bali again sometime, but then next time it will be with my father, my mother and my siblings.

How to Heal a Couple of Sicknesses with Your Fingers

The Chinese Acupunctures infers that parts of human hands and feet are some kind of areas that connected to people’s body. Not to mention, fingers of human hands have various connections the nerve system and have a lot of advantages to relieve various sicknesses.
  • Asthma / Hard to Breathe
Our thumb is connected to our liver and lungs. When you have asthma or any other hard to breathe conditions, just rub the palm region of your thumb and massage it softly as the first aid to relieve the pain. Weak lungs tend to affects the function of limp and stomach, so for people who have problems with their stomach is also highly suggested to use this method.
  • For Constipation and Diarrhea
Stomach problems often lead to diarrhea and other digestion problem such as constipation. To relieve the pain, rub and massage the palm area of your index finger. Stroke gently from the inside to outside part of your index finger. Index finger is connected to large intestine and stomach. Now, you don’t have to panic when you have constipation or diarrhea anymore.
  • For Motion Sickness and Insomnia
For people who easily get sick when driving or staying inside a moving car and for people who have problems with motion sickness or insomnia, rub and massage your middle finger, stroke from inside to outside gently. Middle finger is connected to the layer of your heart, which can relieve the nauseated feeling. This method can also relieve your problems with sleeping and can increase the quality of your sleep.
  • For Migraine and Neck Pain
For people who have problems with their neck or migraine, simply rub and massage your ring finger. Stroke gently from the inside to outside part of your ring finger, until the pain fades slowly. The pain on your neck is usually caused by the lag of your blood stream system, by massaging your ring finger the receptors will pump the pressure of your blood and refresh the stream of blood inside your body.
  • Maintain Health
For people who have problems with their health; for example like fatigue, clap your hands. By clapping our hands we can increase the performance of the neuron receptors and pump the blood stream. The palms of our hands are connected to a lot of nerves around our body. So, we can easily take care of our health by simply clap our hands to improve the nerve system on our palms. Some said when you clapped your hands to 100 times, your life will increase by a day.
  • Waist pain
For people who have trouble with their waist or back, gently clap the back or your hands for a couple of time alternately, until the pain decreased. Just like in the previous point, we can pump the neuron receptors on our nerves to expedite the blood stream.